Are you interested in the Labradoodles as a family pet or a breeding dog?
Does a family member suffer from allergies (please answer Yes or No). If yes, please explain the allergy effects.
Does a member of your family have special needs? i.e. wheelchair, walker, etc. (please answer Yes or No). If yes, please explain the special need.
Are there children in the family? (please answer Yes or No). If Yes, what is the age(s)?
Please give us a true picture of the dynamics of your family. Are you an active family - do you have a higher energy or lower energy household? Are you often away from home or spend a lot of time at home? Please explain in-depth as possible.
Would you prefer your Labradoodles gender to be:
What colour preference do you have for your Labradoodle?
What size do you prefer for your Labradoodle?
Is your yard fully fenced? Do you plan to fence it? Please explain:
Are you intending on providing a puppy playpen?
Are you planning on crate training your puppy?
Will this be your first dog? If not, please tell me what breeds you have had previously?
Do the adults in the family work away from home? If so, for how many hours per day and how many days per week?
Who will be caring for the puppy during the day? Eg. Family Member, Doggy Daycare or Doggy sitter. Please explain what care you will be offering your new puppy?
Will puppy have a mid-day break or a playtime?
Canadoodle Labradoodles request that a dog be returned to us, at anytime, should you find yourself unable to care for it. Will you agree to this?