Height - 16 inches
Weight - 20 lbs
Hips - OFA - Good
Elbows - OFA - Normal
PRA prc'd - Clear
PRA 4 - Clear
vW - Clear
EIC - Clear
Color - bbEe
DM - Clear
IC - Clear - (Week Furnishings Carrier)
Eyes - CAER 2024 - Pass
Van Isle James Earl Jones "Jonsey" at Canadoodles WALA00069747 The fantastic little man - with the most even temperament - confident, outgoing, self soothing and cuddly has come to us from Van Isle Labradoodles. So enjoying him and can't wait to complete his testing and add him to our program. Jonesy has the fabulous chocolate sable coat that will change to a beautiful reddish brown as an adult. Jonesy has a farm full of animals and house full of kids for his home with the Thielmann family.

Height - 15.5 inches
Weight - 19 lbs
Hips - OFA - Good
Elbows - OFA - Normal
PRA prc'd - Carrier
PRA 4 - Clear
vW - Clear
EIC - Clear
Color - Bbee at/a KB/KB
DM - Clear
IC - F/F - Clear
Eyes - CAER 2024 - Pass
Canadoodle Kinders Joyous Jose` - WALA00083000 - our son of Kinder - beyond wonderful little man. Great personality, loving disposition, looking so forward to completing his testing and using him in our program. Jose` is happily living with Edgington Family.

Height - 15 inches
Weight - 18 lbs
Hips - OFA - Good
Elbows - OFA - Normal
PRA prc'd - Clear
PRA 4 - Clear
vW - Clear
EIC - Clear
Color - BbEe at/at ky/ky N/N
DM - Clear
IC - F/F
Eyes - CAER 2024 - Pass
Bow Valley Louis Armstrong WALA00081604 Louis comes to us from Bow Valley Labradoodles in Alberta. Louis is a sweet natured gentle little fellow with the most endearing face. We are looking for Louis to be a new mini papa for our future litters. Louis is a black sable - lovely markings. Louis has two wonderful little boys to play with in the Mark Family.

Height - 16 inches
Weight - 26 lbs
Hips - OFA - Good
Elbows - OFA - Normal
PRA prc'd - Clear
PRA 4 - Clear
vW - Clear
EIC - Clear
Color - BBee at/at KB/ky S/S
DM - Clear
IC - Carrier F/IC
Eyes - CAER 2024 - Pass
Canadoodle Katie's Porter's Fortune WALA 00077693 Porter is a small miniature from our Katie and our Ashton. He is full of personality and loves loves loves children. We are looking for great things in small packages from Porter once his testing is complete. Porter is happily sharing his love with the Larson Family.

Height - 16 inches
Weight - 19 lbs
Hips - OFA - Final - Excellent
Elbows - OFA - Final - Normal
PRA prc'd - Clear
PRA 4 - Clear
vW - Clear
EIC - Clear
Color - BBEe at/at KB/ky sp/sp
DM - Clear
IC - Clear F/F
Eyes - CAER 2024 - Pass
Canadoodle Joanie's Summer Twister WALA00068758 Twister - a miniature male with some unique coloring. We aren't sure if he will be sable or black parti but he has a crazy brown patch on his back the let him stand out from the pack. Twister is down to earth, a gentleman, likes to play and have fun but definitely willing to enjoy some quiet time with you as well. You can find Twister happily playing with his Family - the Trithardts.

Height - 18.5 inches
Weight - 35 lbs
Hips - OFA - Good
Elbows - OFA - Normal
PRA prc'd - Clear
PRA 4 - Clear
vW - Clear
EIC - Clear
Color - bbEe
DM - Clear
IC - F/F - Clear
Eyes - CAER 2024 - Pass
"Leapfrog Morgan Freeman" WALA 00031059 Morgan is an adorable large miniature male with a lovely fleece coat and wonderful boning. He has a quiet loving demeanor but besides snuggling loves a good walk and to play with his doodle friends. Morgan enjoys spending time with Taryn and Purdy his doodle siblings and their mom Melanie.

Height - 20 inches
Weight - 34 lbs
Hips - OFA - Good
Elbows - OFA - Normal
PRA prc'd - Carrier
PRA 4 - Clear
vW - Clear
EIC - Clear
Color - BbEe at/a KB/ky m/m
DM - Clear
IC - F/F
Eyes - CAER 2024 - Pass
"Puppy Patch Paul Newman" WALA Newman is a medium brown male that we co-own with Jean and Liz from Over The Moon Labradoodles. Newman comes to us from Puppy Patch Doodles - thank you Annette for this handsome fun guy! We look forward to completing testing and adding Newman to our all star line up of stud muffins. Newman has 5 human siblings to play with as part of the Wilson family.

Height - 18.5 inches
Weight - 33 lbs
Hips - OFA - Good
Elbows - OFA - Clear
PRA prc'd - Clear
PRA 4 - Clear
vW - Clear
EIC - Carrier
Color - bbEe at/at KB/ky sp/sp m/m
DM - Clear
IC - F/Fw
Eyes - CAER 2024 - Pass
Scotia Vincent Price WALA00052869 Vinnie is a very chill laid back medium brown tri color male. Vinnie should finish around 35 to 40 lbs and about 18 or 19 inches tall. Vinnie is great with puppies and dogs of all sizes ages - respectful and pleasant to have around. He is a big ole goofball, soft floppy puppy. Thank you Rhonda from Scotia Doodles for this awesome little man. We look forward to his joining the Canadoodles Team. Vinnie hit the jackpot finding the Stavenjord family to live with.

Height - 22 inches
Weight - 47 lbs
Hips - OFA - Good
Elbows - OFA - Normal
PRA prc'd - Clear
PRA 4 - Clear
vW - Clear
EIC - Clear
Color - BbEe at/at ky/ky NN
DM - Clear
IC - F/F
Eyes - CAER 2024 - Pass
"Canadoodle Ava's Born in Farron" WALA00081578 Farron is a sweet natured, intelligent male with a fun loving way. He can confidently play alone with his toys or jump into anything that is going on around him. Farron should finish around 20 to 22 inches tall and around the 50 lb mark. Farron is a very lucky fella - he gets to share a home with his big brother Morgan, sisters Taryn and Purdy and the all time ultimate mom - Melanie.

Height - 23 inches
Weight - 61 lbs
Hips - OFA - Good
Elbows - OFA - Normal
PRA prc'd - Clear
PRA 4 - Clear
vW - Clear
EIC - Clear
Color - BbEe s/sp at/at ky/ky
DM - Clear
IC - Clear F/F
Eyes - CAER 2024 - Pass
Dreamland's Charlie Pride WALA 00000023640 A sweet floppy puppy who will be a nice sized medium tri color boy for our program. Thank you Karen Firs at Dreamland for allowing us to bring Pride into our program. Pride has passed his testing, he will be bringing a new source of color and bloodlines for Canadoodles. Pride is happily living with the Skerritt family in Grand Forks.

Height - Guesstimate 14 or 15 inches
Weight - Guesstimate 15 to 20 lbs
Hips - Pending
Elbows - Pending
PRA prc'd - Pending
PRA 4 - Pending
vW - Pending
EIC - Pending
Color - bbEe
DM - Pending
IC - Pending
Eyes - Pending
Canadoodle Peris'a Dirty Harry WALA0015736 - Little Harry - our loveable little man from our Persia/Jonesy litter. He is so special we just had to keep him with us. He will finish growing in around 15 to 18 lbs and 14 inches. Has lots of phantom behind him and some great bone structure and fantastic temperaments from both mom and dad. Looking forward to completing his testing and adding him to our program here at Canadoodles.

Height - Guesstimate 14 or 15 inches
Weight - Guesstimate 15 to 20 lbs
Hips - Pending
Elbows - Pending
PRA prc'd - Pending
PRA 4 - Pending
vW - Pending
EIC - Pending
Color - BbEe
DM - Pending
IC - Pending
Eyes - Pending
This little darling came to us to possibly be a future daddy for our program. A miniature little bundle of love. Chaplin is patiently waiting for his own Guardian Family.

Height - 17 inches
Weight - 25 lbs
Hips - Pending
Elbows - Pending
PRA prc'd - Pending
PRA 4 - Pending
vW - Pending
EIC - Pending
Color - Pending
DM - Pending
IC - Pending
Eyes - CAER 2024 - Pass
Sardis Park James Dean aka Jimmy WALA000970101 We have this wonderful little man from Tai at Sardis Park - thank you so much. He is growing and maturing - has a lovely soft and gentle way about him. Well mannered, such a pleasure to have around. We have high hopes for this future possible daddy for our program. Jimmy happily lives with the Skerritt family and big fur brother Pride!

Height - 17 inches
Weight - 25 Lbs
Hips - Pending
Elbows - Pending
PRA prc'd - Clear
PRA 4 - Clear
vW - Clear
EIC - Carrier
Color - Bbee S/S at/a KB/KB
DM - Clear
IC - Carrier
Eyes - CAER 2024 - Pass
Canadoodle Kenzie's That's The End Kaput - WALA00091473 - our son of Kenzie and Robbie. Kaput is a calm, intelligent little guy. He has a bright red coat, gentle and fun loving temperament and we look forward to him completing his testing over the next year. Kaput is enjoying all his adventures with the Oelke family!